As a healer, i see my job as that of companioning. The word companion, from Latin roots, literally means with bread. This speaks of the nourishment of another’s company: one soul feeding and nurturing another as we face inevitable challenges change in our lives.
Companioning on this level means to walk with another through times of suffering and sorrow as well as bear witness and nurture one’s deep longing for meaning and joy. We are reminded that feeling lost or lonely does not mean we are alone and somehow deficient. And that living with the unknown and uncertainty of being human requires practice and kindness rather than mastery and perfection.
In “companionship”, the healer’s role is not so much to shine their light to show the way but rather, to give witness that their companion might see their own light.
Who Can Benefit?
- Are you longing to participate in the richness life has to offer with more fullness, openness, and joy?
- Are you struggling to overcome resistance or fear in unlocking your unique and innate creative gifts?
- Are you at a crossroads in life, unsure which direction you want to take?
- Are you struggling with grief, loss, or a deepening (a period of depression) and seeking support?
- Are you undergoing major life changes (relationship, job, birth of a child) that are leaving you feeling like you’ve lost your footing?
- Do you feel your personal and relational growth is being blocked by past mental or emotional trauma?
- Are you suffering from health issues that you feel have emotional or spiritual components that are impeding your body’s healing process?
- Do you desire to more fully know who you are and live more authentically from that place?
My clients are those who find themselves on a journey of deep longing for awakening, understanding, and growth that allows them to reclaim their birthright – that of living as their already-present true selves from a more whole and healed state. This is the journey of becoming more fully human. This is the true work of the soul.